Equalizing Healthcare Access

“As I went through one and half years of cancer treatment, it gave me the opportunity to think about the disconnect between healthcare access for those with privilege, and the lack of access for those without. Addressing this disparity became a central component of our work.”

Pam Trefler

By The Numbers:

How We’re Equalizing Healthcare Access


Boston residents are unable to afford healthcare

Access to quality healthcare should not depend on affordability. We are committed to eliminating barriers like this for all who seek medical care.

2.8 million

A residents lack access to fresh groceries

Proximity to and availability of nutritious food is key to overall health and wellness. Research shows that access to grocery stores is linked to lower rates of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases.


of all Boston deaths are caused by cancer

The rate of cancer diagnoses and deaths in Boston is higher in low-income and communities of color. We look to change that by supporting innovative ideas and initiatives aimed at providing early cancer screenings and equitable access to healthcare.

Our Goals for 
2020 & Beyond

  • Reduce racial and cultural disparities in access to cancer screenings and treatment
  • Boost the patient-care capacity at community health institutions 
  • Increase access to culturally competent mental health services
  • Expand cancer care services in community-based settings
  • Enhance the patient care experience at all levels throughout the healthcare system
  • Equalize access to nutritional food and physical recreation activities

Recent Equalizing Healthcare Access Grants & Insights

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