Expanding Economic Security

“Removing barriers to quality jobs is essential to building strong, healthy communities.”

Pam Trefler

By The Numbers:

How We’re Expanding Economic Security


of Boston residents have limited English proficiency

Lacking proficiency in the English language is a considerable barrier to entry into the Boston workforce. We promote programs and initiatives dedicated to creating opportunities for immigrants and ESOL individuals to learn English and pursue their educational and career aspirations.


of the Boston workforce does not have a Bachelor’s Degree

Boston residents with lower levels of education face additional barriers to well-paying employment. We seek to change that by supporting innovative ideas and initiatives aimed at providing the tools, credentialing, and training needed to attain family-supporting jobs and helping businesses find skilled workers


Boston jobs require a Bachelor’s Degree

The growing demand for workers with postsecondary education has placed a significant burden on residents without a 4-year degree. We support initiatives that close the skills gap using sector-based workforce development strategies that provide a transition from degree-based hiring to skills-based training

Our Goals for 
2020 & Beyond

  • Establish programs that connect people to real job opportunities
  • Strengthen educational and career pathways to STEM-related fields
  • Cultivate entrepreneurial ventures among historically marginalized communities
  • Provide career guidance and expert coaching for entry into meaningful career pathways
  • Expand access to post-secondary training in high-demand fields

Recent Expanding Economic Security Grants & Insights

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